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Central Australia NewsFoundations

CEF Profile – Monica Quan, Central Australia

By January 27, 2014January 29th, 2021No Comments
Monica Quan (left) at the 2013 CEF conference with fellow committee member Kim Gosling

Monica Quan (left) at the 2013 CEF conference with fellow committee member Kim Gosling

Monica knows first-hand the obstacles rural and regional students face when pursuing tertiary education. Having grown up in Alice Springs, Monica first left home to travel out-of-state to attend Adelaide University. She said she knows how financially daunting university can be and how useful and motivating financial grants can be.

I’ve seen students in difficult circumstances, who haven’t done the best at school, be motivated by financial grants – it’s what gives them that extra push and drive to pursue their dreams

Monica has said she has been very fortunate in regards to her education and this is one of the reasons she became a CEF committee member.

A lot of positive energy has come my way and now I want to give back to the community.” Monica has also said that by becoming a committee member, she is learning new skills such as fundraising and engaging with the community.

You get a good feeling when you give back.