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CEF is a community-driven organisation that receives no government funding. Holding a fundraising event or campaign is a great way to support CEF, engage with your community or workplace, and have some fun too. You can choose to fundraise for CEF as a national organisation, or you can fundraise for one of our 49 local CEF foundations that is close to your heart.

When you choose to fundraise for CEF, we can provided you with plenty of support to make your event or campaign a success. This can include thinks like:

  • Collateral to promote your event
  • A dedicated page on the CEF website to advertise and accept donations
  • Media and communications support
  • Access to CEF’s network to promote your generosity
  • Addition of you event to the CEF calendar


There are endless ways you can raise funds for CEF. Every option has its pros and cons, but the most important thing is that you do something that will resonate with your community or the group of people you are targeting.

Events are often the staple of fundraising for our foundations. There are so many types of events from a basic chocolate fundraiser to an extravagant cocktail party right through to pushing a paper mâché pig across the country … but there is one thing that stays a constant … it must make money!

Whatever your event, some key points to think about to make sure it is a success are whywhen and how … you will also need a key driver (that could be you!) and a great team behind you.

Quick and easy events

These are quick, easy low risk ideas that require minimal planning!

  • Sausage sizzle
  • Donation jars
  • Pie drive
  • Head or beard shave
  • Garage Sale
  • Morning tea
  • Loose change challenge

Think big events

These events require a bit more planning but the rewards can be huge!

  • Fun run – colour run
  • Golf Day
  • Cocktail party or ball
  • Concert featuring local bands
  • Trivia night
  • Movie night
  • Fashion show

registration to fundraise for CEF

Please fill out this form if you intend to fundraise on behalf of CEF. We will then be in touch with the required paperwork, and to assist you in any way we can.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

To talk about fundraising ideas and get the ball rolling, contact us on (02) 6362 3162 or [email protected]