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Workplace giving is a way to donate to your favourite charity, like CEF, on a regular basis.

When you choose to participate in a workplace giving program, your nominated amount is deducted each pay cycle – you don’t even have to think about it!

Not only do you know you are making a difference but you get immediate pre-tax benefits. When you give this way, you don’t have to worry about keeping (or finding) receipts to claim your generosity back come tax time.

* pre-tax payroll deduction (dependent on marginal tax rate)


  • Add CEF to your existing workplace giving program today – this is easy to do, and we can help you promote our work

  • If you don’t have a workplace program already in place – it is quick and simple to set up, and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg

  • Get your staff really involved – consider offering a matching donation from you company to really make an impact

Workplace giving is a simple and effective way for you and your staff to contribute to an important cause on a regular basis.

It is also a fantastic way to create unity in the workplace and increase employee morale, satisfaction and retention.

For more information on workplace giving, how to set up your own program and the benefits for your business, visit Workplace Giving Australia for some great resources and advice.

There are a number of third party providers that can help you organise workplace giving, and help you to make the most out of your program.

CEF is a registered charity with the following organisations:

Here are some other providers that you can research to ensure that you are working in a way that best suits your business and staff:

To chat about ways to include CEF in your workplace giving, contact us on (02) 6362 3162 or [email protected]