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Communities Across Australia Kick It For Education Equality

By March 25, 2024June 17th, 2024No Comments

Students at Orange High School show off their boots during its Boot Bash event, a mufti day.

Over 30 events were held by workplaces, schools and universities during the inaugural CEF ‘Boot Bash’ campaign, raising much needed awareness of the work CEF does in addressing the post-school education participation gap that exists between rural and regional youth and their metropolitan peers.

Event holders encouraged partic-ipants to make a donation, with $30,000 raised from the campaign. Along with a donation from an anonymous donor, a 15% top-up on local funds allocated is being made available to 2024 CEF recipients.

Orange High School held a mufti day to support the initiative, with students and staff pulling on their favourite pair of boots to raise awareness of CEF.

Country Education Foundation of Orange and District committee member, and Careers Advisor at Orange High School, Glen Pearson, who organised the mufti day, said he believed in the importance of supporting students to achieve their post-school aspirations.

“For us, and our students, we need to promote that the CEF is there to really support them in their journey post-school, and what better way than to slip on some boots, put on some country clothes and support such a tremendous charity,” he said.

Thank you to the many others who held successful Boot Bash events, including CEF education partners as well as many schools across regional Australia.

Joshua Matic

Author Joshua Matic

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