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National office official opening a celebration of the charity’s past, present and future

By March 11, 2020No Comments

Welcome rain didn’t dampen spirits at the official opening of CEF’s national office in Orange, NSW with more than 70 guests attending on Thursday 5, March 2020.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of an anonymous donor, the charity which supports equal education opportunities for rural and regional students now has a place to call ‘home.’

Founding CEF Board member and chairman, Nick Burton Taylor AM said: “For a small charity like ourselves, this is a wonderful position to provide the surety of our staff and the 456 volunteers who make up our organisation. We work together from the grassroots up to boost further education in the bush.”

Guests were welcomed with music from the Orange High School stage band and canapes from the school’s catering team, demonstrating CEF’s commitment to promoting education, aspirations and opportunities for country students.

The evening’s formalities included words from both Nick Burton Taylor and newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Juliet Petersen telling the story of CEF and sharing exciting plans.

The passion and dedication of foundation volunteers was voiced with short speeches from chair of the first CEF in Boorowa, Justin Fleming as well as Clemence Matchett and Peter Spedding from CEF Grenfell.

CEF Orange & Districts grant recipient Cody Logan wrapped up formal proceedings with words on how valuable the foundation’s social and emotional support has been throughout his education journey, alongside the financial support.

“We are so grateful to work with the passionate CEF volunteers and so proud of the wonderful students, just like Cody who we support across the country. This wonderful gift of a premises, and the celebration with a wide range of institution stakeholders and attendees on the night, is a testament to the work of the Burton Taylors, the CEF Board and our small team of dedicated staff,” said CEF CEO, Juliet Petersen.

Plans for this year are already looking strong following the launch of the 2020 CEF University Survival Guide, this national office launch and an anticipated record number of grants to be provided in 2020 to rural and regional youth across the network of local, community-run foundations.

CEF Author

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