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Meet CEF Alumna and Volunteer Anjali Williams

By May 21, 2024No Comments
Anjali Williams, right, at CEF conference in Canberra in 2022.

Anjali Williams, right, at CEF conference in Canberra in 2022.

Anjali Williams has given back to CEF, a foundation that gave so much to her as a student, by volunteering for her local CEF foundation, Braidwood and District Education Foundation (BDEF). In recognition of National Volunteer Week 2024, let’s meet her.

Anjali Williams

Local foundation:
Braidwood & District Education Foundation

Institution studied at:
Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT)

Certificate IV in Business Administration

Committee Position:

Year Joined:

What do you do for a living?

I am the Administration Officer at the Braidwood Servicemen’s Club

What is your connection to rural and regional Australia?

I have a direct connection with rural Australia as I have lived in Braidwood, which is a rural town, for my whole life. I know the challenges that young people face when they want to undertake further education.

How did CEF’s support when you were a student help you the most?

When I received a grant from CEF I was working part time and studying part time, and the course I was studying was face-to-face in Canberra which is about a one hour drive from Braidwood. I used my grant from CEF to pay for text books as well as fuel to drive to and from Canberra. CEF support meant that I didn’t have to worry about how I was going to afford the extra things like text books that you don’t think about when you first sign up to study. I could fully focus on my studies without having to worry about how I would pay for it.

Why are you involved with your local CEF foundation?

I was originally asked to join as a committee member in 2018 as, after I completed my studies, I was still living in the area. I agreed straight away as it was a way that I could give back to CEF because I knew they had helped me.

Why do you think it is so important to support the educational pursuits of the students from your community?

I think It is important to support rural students education as everyone deserves equal opportunities to learn and succeed, no matter where they live. Rural areas may have limited resources, so providing financial support can help bridge the educational gap between rural and metropolitan students.

What activities do you undertake as a committee to support your regional youth?

The main support that BDEF provides is the financial support through grants to students. I feel as though the whole application process of applying for a BDEF grant is unintentionally beneficial for students, for example, the application process and interview process may be a student’s first time applying for something, and is a very similar process to applying for a job. This gives students experience.

We do a lot of fundraising activities to raise funds for student grants. A few that we have done in the past are Melbourne Cup fundraisers, Easter raffles, and raffles at an open garden.

I think It is important to support rural students education as everyone deserves equal opportunities to learn and succeed, no matter where they live.

– BDEF Secretary and alumni Anjali Williams

What do you hope to achieve for regional youth by being involved with CEF and your local foundation?

I hope to help students just like I was helped. I received funds for my education to help me achieve my goals, Now I want to pay it forward to help students the exact way I was supported.

What is the best thing about living in your regional town and community?

The best thing about living in Braidwood is the connections that you have with everyone. Some people say that they don’t like knowing everyone in the town and everyone knowing them but at times it can a really great thing. Having connections in your community can be beneficial in lots of ways, you can build a really strong support system, you can rely on your connections for advice, guidance and opportunities (like employment opportunities). It opens doors for collaborations and partnerships, it enhances both your personal and professional life and also creates a sense of belonging.

Joshua Matic

Author Joshua Matic

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