Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) announced the winners of the 2019 Alinta Energy – CEF Alumni Awards at a wonderful inaugural presentation event held at The Grandstand, the University of Sydney campus on Saturday November 23 2019.
From STEM through to social work, this year’s awards recognised achievements from a broad cross section of avocations and CEF geographic footprint.
An amazing 31 alumni student nominations were received from the 44 foundations spread throughout rural and regional area in five Australian states and territories. Each recipient was proudly nominated by their local foundation, demonstrating CEF’s ongoing student support and encouragement at a community level.
Alinta Energy – CEF Alumnus of the Year, $500
Alinta Energy – CEF Community Champion, $250
Alinta Energy – CEF Young Achiever, $250
Alinta Energy – CEF Rising Star, $250
CEF Acting CEO, Juliet Petersen is thrilled to see CEF Alumni Awards grow so significantly in only its second year, with a wonderful turn out to the first Awards presentation event, which doubled as a networking event for all members of the CEF network. “The brilliant response to the Alumni Awards this year shows how passionate our volunteers are about access to education, the students they support and how exceptional the youth of rural and regional Australia are,” Mrs Petersen said.
“We are delighted to acknowledge Lee, Molly, Grace and Saul. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for all our Alumni Award winners and nominees and the coming generations of youth from the country.”
Additional ‘entertainment’ was provided by way of a false fire alarm. This resulted in a display of country resilience with the ceremony going ahead on No. 1 University of Sydney Oval presented by CEF Alumni Ambassador Chris Mercer and 2018 Alumnus of the Year Dr Ceridwen Boel.
Keynote speaker, School for Life Foundation Founder and CEO Annabelle Chauncy OAM, spoke with passion about her not-for-profit organisation in rural Uganda enabling communities to help themselves to create their own opportunities. Ever the professional, Ms Chauncy continued her inspirational presentation about the resilience, strength and adaptability of country people with humour and grace despite the creative challenge of an unfortunately-timed false fire alarm. CEF is delighted she was able to entertain and inspire the evening’s attendees.
The 2019 Alumni Awards have been generously supported by CEF principal partner Alinta Energy, as we work together to connect the next generation of leaders and create vibrant and thriving regional communities. Alinta Energy Executive Director of Retail Markets, Jim Galvin served on the awards selection panel and said dedication to education was a stand out feature in all nominated students.
“The quality of entrants was outstanding and we want to congratulate not only the winners but all the nominees and CEF recipients. CEF plays such an important role in supporting country kids to further their education, so their success can underpin the thriving rural and regional communities of the future.”
Connecting with CEF is a powerful way for Alumni to maintain contact with their local foundation and be inspired by like-minded students. Catch up with CEF on Facebook and join the CEF Alumni private group. Also Follow CEF on LinkedIn and Instagram.
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