New Audi Foundation injects fuel into Country Education Foundation of Australia’s mission
The Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEF) is proud to announce a partnership with the newly established and launched Audi Foundation.
CEF and Audi Foundation scholarships will focus on encouraging and fostering education opportunities for young people in rural and regional Australia, helping them overcome the unique challenges they face in furthering their education and training.
Tom Keenan, Head of Audi Foundation, said there are several driving forces for the CEF-Audi Foundation relationship, and he looks forward to seeing the benefits.
“The Audi Foundation and CEF have common goals in helping to provide access to vital education and training across rural and regional Australia to students looking to better themselves,” Mr Keenan said.
“The Audi Foundation is proud to be partnering with CEF and we believe the work of CEF will be extremely beneficial and bring long-lasting value for scholarship recipients and their respective communities.”
CEF CEO, Wendy Cohen, said she is excited for the future the Audi Foundation is offering CEF’s recipients and communities.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to join with a highly regarded brand such as Audi, who is demonstrating a global commitment to developing youth,” Ms Cohen said.
“CEF is excited to be part of something that will replicate this commitment in Australia.”
“The Audi Foundation partnership will allow us to spread more of CEF’s influence in areas like scholarships for women aspiring to be in non-traditional roles, the growth of rural and regional communities, and helping young Australians thrive through education.”
“CEF is proud the Audi Foundation believes in what we do, and how we do it. Ultimately the partnership is about ensuring every student has equal access to life-changing education opportunities regardless of their postcode or financial situation.”
Ms Cohen also said the announcement of this partnership is a timely reminder of the currently important need for investments in rural, regional and remote Australian education interests.
The Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education announced by Minister for Education and Training, Simon Birmingham, will address the 7.6 per cent country-city education gap. CEF looks forward to submitting its views to be considered for the review’s findings.
CEF welcomes the Audi Foundation as a new champion to aid country students’ education and career ambitions through financial assistance and community based encouragement.
CEF has been working to alleviate the country-city education gap for almost 25 years, and is proud to be building beneficial relationships within the corporate philanthropic world.
Download the media release here.
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