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In 2016, Tayla Solomon received the McLean Foundation University Scholarship, that for more than a decade in conjunction with CEF, has been assisting students from Broken Hill make the trek to undertake university study. Last year Tayla completed her nursing degree at La Trobe University, and inspired by the McLeans and their desire to give back, has taken a position as a graduate registered nurse in her own community at Broken Hill Base Hospital.

Tayla recently wrote a letter of thanks to Rob and Paula McLean, letting them know just how much the scholarship meant to her. We were touched by her wonderfully thoughtful words and willingness to share a little of her story.  With her permission, we would like to share just a few of her words with you, as she now becomes a member of the CEF alumni family, and like many of our students and alumni has some beautiful things to say.

Thank you Tayla. Inspiration is a two-way street, and it is words like yours that not only inspire our donors, but also the staff and board here at CEF.

“I am unsure of how to show my gratitude that leaves this letter anything more than just a simple 200-word thank you… You have so greatly impacted my life. 2016 through to 2018 have been quite the adventure and without you and your financial support, I wouldn’t be where I am today…”

“I worked at Oasis Aged Care as a guest service attendant for the duration of my course and found a family in both the staff I worked with and the residents I worked for. I know that sometimes everyone feels down during their degree, and I was until I began my placement, I felt quite low and as if I didn’t know enough. I regret not reaching out and seeking support from CEF, but my Mum did give me quite the inspirational speech to carry me forward.”

“Inspired by you, I want to give back to the rural community that I came from, even if it’s just a small start. I applied to work in Broken Hill and am so very excited to tell you I was offered a full-time position at the Broken Hill Hospital… This whole journey through university would not have been possible without you and your support. I am ever so grateful for the financial support you provided to me, and I cannot thank you enough. It has been an amazing three years of happiness, excitement, nervousness and a whole lot if blood, sweat and tears, but it has been worth it.”

For more information on scholarships offered to Broken Hill students, like the McLean Foundation University Scholarship, please visit our CEF national scholarships page.

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